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Starving Kitten-Urgent!!!

18 15:55:59

On July 18th, my cat gave birth to 5 beautiful kittens.  She delivered the first two independently but the third and fourth were twins and were contained in a single sack.  I had to assist in the delivery of these two as well as the last.  Both twins were smaller than the rest but seemed healthy.  However, for some reason the mama cat only developed four active nipples.  One of the twins is now the same size as the three singles but one is almost half the size as the rest.  Needless to say it cannot compete with the four larger kittens for eating space, they constantly push it aside.  The last couple of days the mother has taken to moving this kitten and leaving it alone somewhere.  Why?  I have to constantly keep an eye on it and put it back and separate the other kittens so that it can nurse.  I am now at the point where I think the best thing for the kitten would be to take it away from the mother and bottle feed it.  Should I?  I cannot stand the thought of it dying.  If so what do I feed it?  Is it safe to feed it regular baby formula like similac or must I get some sort of kitten formula?  I appreciate your help.

The kitten is probably better off if you take it away from the mom and bottle feed it.  KMR is the preferred milk replacer for kittens--this is available at most pet stores--regular baby formula is not sufficient.  After feeding, you will have to stimulate the kitten to urinate and defecate by rubbing it's bottom with a warm washcloth.  There will be directions on the container as far as how much to feed and how often.  I would plan on trying to feed every 2 hours since she is so tiny.  

This website does have a homemade formula and directions on kitten care....