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Dog with Broken tail

18 15:56:45

I have a 3 yr old Lab with we think a broken tail.  His tail up near this hind quarters is swollen.  Beside a trip to the emergency vet over the weekend, what can we do about it and what does the vet do for the case?

Hi Randy!

There are many ways to treat a dogs broken tail.You will find many ways to splint,and take care of it by going to .

Then search under "what I can do for a dog with a broken tail" and lots of links will come up.You can click on any of these sites. Remember that unless your dogs tail is dislocated, it should heal on its own.I hope this is helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give that Labby guy millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!