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Fever in Dog

18 16:04:09

Hi - My dog (Black Lab) has not been acting like herself.  She keeps sitting in strange places, like the dark bathroom (I know that sounds funny, but I know the her routine). We noticed that she developed some strange "fluid pocket" under her jaw.  It has since gone down mostly.  She is also licking the carpet quite a bit and is panting heavily (even walking down the hall and back). We took her the vet and they said that she had fever and should get better in a few days.  I don't think the fever has gone down and she is now not eating.  She is also being real "clingy" and won't play with her toys like she usually does.  I know that some of this may not cause for alarm, but she isn't being herself.

Hi Aneshea!When a dog has a fever, it almost always means infection. Your dog should definately be on an antibiotic at this time. I am not sure how old your dog is, but the "fluid pocket" under her jaw, very well may be an abcessed tooth. Often times an abcessed tooth will cause great agony (in human and animals alike),which would cause a dog to pant, and there will be some swelling in the area from time to time, fever, licking to get rid of excess drool, and eventually not eating because of the pain in the mouth. Your dog seems to be displaying uncanny symptoms of this. I'm not sure if it's just coincidence, as it's hard to determine without seeing her.
I would definately recommend a follow up with your veterinarian. Since your dog isn't being herself, there is always reason for concern. No one knows your dog like you do, and if you are noticing that she isn't acting right...chances are you're right, and something isn't right!
Please keep me posted as to how she does and give her millions of get well kisses from me right on her Labby Nose:)

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