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hyper dog

18 15:48:27

I have a 3yr lab/hound.  She get hyper when the doorbell ring or someone knocks on the door.  When someone comes to house she jump up on them. How can I get her to stop this?  Thanks JoAnn

You are not going to change the fact that your lab mix is hyper as this is just the breed.  But what you can do is try to desensitize her by standing at the door, ringing the bell and entering repeatedly....when you enter you can do one of two things...

1.  Have someone on the other side of the door with her leashed, and when she goes to jump, pull her back and tell her NO


2.  Gently take your knee and push it into her chest and tell her OFF

Only when she is calm and relaxed should you reward her with attention and treats to encourage this behavior.

And third option is to crate her.