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toxic plants

18 15:11:53

I have a one year old shih tzu that has been eating japanese fig leaves.  They are shedding off the tree faster than I can remove them from the yard.  All the lists of toxic plants I've found do not list the japanese fig, yet there are always notations that the lists are not complete.  Violet has been a little "off" (napping more, wanting to just lay around, wanting to held more) but will still run around and play with the other dogs vigorously as before.  There are times she doesn't seem to feel well and I decided to just watch her for a few days.  I just realized when she went out that she is playing with the fig leaves and chewing them.  I'm sure she is ingesting.  The leaves have been in the yard for about 4-5 days and she's been displaying these symptoms for about 2-3 days.  Is it possible the leaves can be the culprit?  She hasn't  thrown up or passed anything unusual that I can see.  I forgot to mention that she is eating but not with her usual gusto and not as much.
I would appreciate any input.  Thanks

Val -

I have not found info that the leaves you describe are poisonous, but that does not mean that they cannot be causing gastric upset.  Contact a local veterinarian who should be familiar with toxic plants in your area.  He/she can may be equipped to help you with the toxicity of local plants than I can.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM