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kitten with bad diarhoea and blood

18 14:49:57

Hi i have a kitten that is aprox 9 weeks, i've had him two weeks after taking him from a home where he wasn't cared for properly. the last 2-3 days he has had runny stools and also some have had blood in, yesterday he seemed better but today he has poo running out when he walks or moves, i've contacted my vets and they cant see him till tomorrow so have asked me to see how he is and let them know tomorrow, is there anything i can do, should i stop feeding him, many thanks

Did the vet's office give you any directions with what to do for him until tomorrow?
One of the many reasons for runny stool is a change in food, worm burden such as roundworms, viruses and stress.

I would withhold his regular food and only give him some baby food with rice and chicken. If you have it, you can give him a few drops of kaolin syrup- like kaopectate- IF it is pure kaopectate. If there are other ingredients in it don't use it.

Kittens are very sensitive to chemicals and drugs so be very careful. I would only do the baby food with chicken and rice.
If you have him on Purina kitten chow throw it away. It is coated with cow's milk and all cats are lactose intolerant once they are weaned and always of cow's milk.

Get some Science Diet Kitten Growth at the vet's tomorrow and start him on that once he is wormed and the diarrhea has stopped. The blood is usually from the irritation from the diarrhea itself.

Be sure to read the bottle of the kaopectate and don't use pepto bismol.

If all else fails, boil up some white rice, make it really soft, and blend some boiled chicken breasts with it in a blender and feed him that.
I hope that helps. Make sure the vet tests him for FELV, FIV and FIP. Let me know how he does.