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cat has crystals

18 15:06:11

my cat had a crystal on the tip of his penis,couldnt urinate..i gave him apple cider vinegar dilluted with water orally-2 doses and rubbed olive oil on his penis to moisten it..i was able to squeeze the crystals out..liquidy form..but iam not sure if theres more long is the urethrea of a male cat..? also is neosporin safe to put on the penis?

Knowing the length of the urethra isn't going to help this cat clear crystals out of his bladder. He had them at the end of his penis because his bladder is full of a toothpaste-like sludge which consists of crystals, dead bacteria and white blood cells and cells from the lining of his bladder, which is probably very irritated, red and raw inside.

Colleen, this is a potentially fatal problem your cat has right now. He needs veterinary care immediately or he could die from the toxins in his blood from not urinating.

Apple cider vinegar isn't going to make them go away. He needs to have his bladder flushed out and he needs to be on a special diet, such as C/D or S/D to get rid of and prevent any more crystals.

Putting olive oil on the outside will do nothing for this condition, known as FLUTD, or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.

Please get him into the vets as soon as you can! 24 hours is too long if he is plugged.

I hope that you understand I am very worried about your cat and am trying to emphasis how serious this is, so please don't take it wrong.
Call the vets tomorrow and see if you can get him in on Monday or even tomorrow. If you know for sure that he is urinating then he can wait until Monday but he will plug up again without intervention from the vet.

Please let me know how he is in a few days.