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Kitten and rabies.

18 14:49:57

I have a kitten who is about 10 weeks old. Is it possible for him to have contacted rabies if he hasn't been outside for more than once for 5 minutes under my supervision? If his mother had rabies, should the kitten be dead by now? The kitten is from another country and I didn't see with who and where he was for the first 5 weeks of his life. I am worried, because he bites and scratches me constantly and he is too young to get vaccinated. Yesterday he pulled his claws over my veins and now my wrist is very itchy and painful to move. Should I be worried?

First of all he is not too young to vaccinate considering that he is from another country. I have no idea what the rabies situation is from Estonia. If you have had him for 5 weeks then I wouldn't worry about that. He would have shown symptoms by now. The mother having rabies has no bearing on the kitten as I don't believe cats carry rabies the way bats, foxes and raccoons do.

But if you are worried contact your animal control officers over there.They are up on the rabies regulations and spread around your area. Rabies is generally contracted by bites but has been known to be contracted through scratches too.

Get him to the vet and have him looked over. He shouldn't be biting and scratching you constantly either. You are allowing that and that is going to cause him to be a cat with very bad manners. You need to get him some toys and do NOT allow him to use your hands as toys. That needs to stop now or you will pay dearly for it later-plus anyone that comes to your house will. Your cat will become a very serious liability.

Time for a vet visit and vaccinations!!