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my dog is old

18 14:05:49

and has a licking sore I can't seem to get rid of I took him to the vet but he wants to charge me 800 dollars for some tests i'm a disable vet in fact that is why I got the dog he's a little poodle I have ptsd and he keeps me calm in fact I have had him for two years now and have hit no one in that time not raged or at least on the outside and have not gone to jail for punching any men 30 times in the face so I really do love the dog his name is curly of course I have no imagination, I know and can no longer kill people so here I am. and now I have this little dog with this damn sore a vet that wants to charge me more then 2 months pay! shit these damn vet programs that start great and end like shit, I actually feel sorry for the little guy! I keep it covered but it's still there!

I have only my cell phone connection right now so this will be short. Please go to some of my earlier
answers for general health care. Most importantly if you have physical needs for a service dog VA will pay all your
vet bills thru truvia. PTSD service dogs will be covered in future but not now.

Non healing skin problems can be helped with Reiki. Which can be done by free. Again read one of my prior posts to get web sites and details for free help.
Also get rescue remedy cream, calendula and or hypericum cream or gel.
Get an aloe plant and break off a leaf ans squeeze it onto wound.
Or get plantain from the yard and mush it with water and apply to wound.

If this is not enough for you please ask again a week from now when I will be back on computer.