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heart murmur

18 15:22:17

my cat will be two in sept and she does have a significant heart murmur-enough that my vet would not spay the past couple of weeks her eyes have been constantly running her fur is shedding a lot (not that it's hot) and she sleeps more than usual. I am worried that this is her heart murmur...the only thing different is that we have given her a little wet cat food as we though she doesn't' eat much (never has) and she seems to like the wet food better. I think her heart murmur was a two when she was first diagnosed...

This is around the time for seasonal shedding in cats, so even though your weather may not quite be hot yet it very well may still be seasonal shedding.  This should not lead to bald patches, but is the change from their winter to summer coats.  They shed out a portion of their coat so that it is less dense.  This occurs even in cats that live entirely indoors and are not exposed to extreme temperatures.

A heart murmur should not directly cause running eyes.  A virus can cause this, such as coronavirus, in effect similar to the colds and upper respiratory viruses that humans get.  Though a murmur would not be the cause it is possible for it to precipitate a re-emergence of the virus if she had one previously.  Upper respiratory viruses in cats often stay in their system silently for many years or their entire life afterwards and they can get small outbreaks in times of stress.

I hope this helps.  If you have any further questions please feel free to write back.