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chihuahua heart rate

18 15:15:38

QUESTION: what is considered normal heart rate range?  I have a female (spayed) teacup Chihuahua who will be 5 1/2 on 9/5/08 and weights 6.04 pounds.
thank you

ANSWER: Hi Kathy - what is going on with your chi???  Problems.
Let me know why your are concerned with the heart?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the vet said its nothing to worry about.  Mikka's heart rate was 100 at her appointment on WEd and both the technician and doctor mentioned that it seemed low.  Is the normal rate 120?  what would cause it to be low?

Hi Kathy -  There are many problems that can arise from a slower heart rate.  In her small breed the rate should be around 150 ish....
I would take her in for a re-check in a few weeks.  Also, ask them to check her thyroid levels please.  Here is a link on hypo thyroid... low thyroid levels

Let me know what happens!!! OK
Marie Peppers