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My New Kitty - she doesnt feel well

18 15:55:10

I just got my little kitty from the SPCA a week ago.  I took her to the vet to make sure everything was good - she just had a fever.  The vet said she would probably start sneezing and to bring her back if she stops eating.  Well, she did start sneezing (also seems like she is trying to blow her nose) and it seems that it's hard for her to breath - she breaths out of her mouth when she sleeps. Plus, she really is not very playful at all - spends a lot of time sitting around and sleeping.  However, she eats just fine (although, she may drink a lot of water for a cat). Do you think she has the flu? Any advise?

Hi Rebecca!  Congrats on your new kitty!  It definitely sounds as though she has an Upper Respiratory infection, which is extremely common in kittens and cats alike, when they are in a shelter and come to a new home.  She will need to go back to your veterinarian to get some antibiotics.  A week on antibiotics and she will be as good as new!  Since it's Sunday, and you probably won't have access to a veterinarian until tomorrow, put her in the bathroom with you while you take a hot shower.  The steam from the shower will help with her congestion.  It would be most beneficial to call your vet first thing in the morning.  They may even allow you to just pick up some antibiotics, since they have already seen her.
An upper respiratory infection that is left untreated will develop into pneumonia, so it's best to obtain the antibiotics promptly.
I hope this helps and I hope she feels better soon!
Sending tons of welcome home kisses to your new kitty,