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senior exit project

18 15:02:04

hi my name is melenie howard and i go to new prairie high school and i am doing a project on being a vet and was wondering if you could answer some questions that would be very useful for my project!

1 What specific areas of veterinary medicine are you interested?

2 why did u become a vet?

3  what is the most helpful and memorable experience in ur vet life?

4 Do u think the Govt should give special emphasize to the study and work opportunity for the vets? why or why not?

5 what are the best 3 qualities that a vet must possess?

6 Do u suggest other people to become a vet? why or why not?

7 how long did it take to train to be a vet

8 where did you do your training
Thank you so much!!!

HI Melenie,
As I told the last student that wrote to me in here:
A: We are not allowed to answer homework questions in here. This is a place to ask advice about sick pets.
B: I am not a vet but a vet tech- so I can't answer your questions anyway.
C: You could ask one of the vets in here but you are better off asking your family vet or a local vet near you.
Good luck on your project and good for you for looking into veterinarian medicine!