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need help for senior exit project on veternarians

18 15:02:04

Hi my name is melenie howard i am a student at New Prairie High school.I am doing a senior exit project for my school on being a veterinarian. Being a vet is my future goal. i have some questions that i would appreciate if you could answer them for me and feel free to give me any additional information. It would be so helpful!!

1 Do you have the right not to treat an animal?

2 What do you do if you think the animal you are treating has been abused?

3 What is the starting salary for vets? What is the salary range for vets?

4 What are some of the best/worst parts of private practice?

5 How do you feel about the use of animals in vet school?

6 What is the most challenging class you've ever had and why?

7 How do you feel about using live animals to practice surgery, etc?

8 What class that you've take do you think will help you the most in vet school? Why?

9 Who should you call if you think the animal you are treating may have been abused? What legal avenues can the vet pursue if any?

10 How do you feel about euthanasia?

11 Why did you choose to become a vet?

12 Would you like to stick with this career and if so why?

I really really appreciate the time that you take to answer my questions. Thank you so much
                 Melenie Howard  

I will answer 4,5,6,7,8,10,11 and 12 next week when I return from teaching this weekend.

You need to research the others as they are not my opinion and you will learn a lot by researching the facts about them.

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