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I just got a Boston Terrier...

18 16:08:22

I just got a Boston Terrier about 3 weeks ago. She is at the point in
house breaking that she knows to go outside to pee and poop but if she
needs to, she'll go anywhere in the house as well, I've noticed that ever
since I've had her she's been pooping like 3 times during the night and
about 5 during the day. I starting writing down what times she tends to
"go" to see if I can find a pattern plus, she wasnt exactly on a schedule
for feeding either so I put her on one today. My question is, is it normal
for a 3 month old puppy to be pooping so much? its seems she poops more
than she eats. Does this even out with age or am i missing something that
i should be doing? Help please!

House training will take some time.  You need to catch her at the time she is most likely to go poop and get her outside.  Those times are after eating, after resting, and after heavy exercise.

As far as the number of poops, the main reason for the excessive number is the amount of food fed.  Puppies should get 1 - 1 1/2 cups of food per 10 lbs. of body weight daily divided into 3 feedings.  Also, if a puppy has intestinal parasites, that stimulates the bowel so she will poop more. Have your vet check her and possibly deworm her.