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rabbies /parvo

18 14:41:33

I have a 7 week old american/stfordshire pit bull he has had his first set of shots already. this morning we found drolling at the mouth and running around acting not normal,, after 10 minutes he seemed fine. he at a full bowl of his food and went to sleep. what could have triggered this and is this the start of a sickness? please help and thanks in advance

Dogs get into things all the time that make them drool. He is a baby, so just like a baby make sure you don't have things down that he can chew on that are toxic or dangerous like cords to lamps, plants that are toxic, household cleaners, etc.

They can smell something that will make them drool. He isn't sick, he just had a reaction to something if he is fine now.

Tips to keep him well:
Don't take him to dog parks, malls, etc until he is over 12 weeks old and has had at least three sets of shots. Puppy shots are not always effective right away. So there are times the puppy has a window where their immunities are not 100%.

Don't let your friends come over with other dogs, even if they are vaccinated. Don't leave him in your car at any time. Make sure you pick up stuff in your yard too and don't use garden chemicals or snail baits that are poisonous.

Parvo is deadly and can live over 6 months in the environment. What that means is that you can carry it on your clothing, car, shoes etc. to your dog. So be vigilant because staffy's and pits are very prone to getting parvo and not recovering from it.

He will get his first rabies shot at the age of 4 months. By law he cannot have it sooner. Make sure he is being wormed and is on heartworm prevention as well right now.
Feed him a GOOD quality food like Science Diet Large Breed Puppy formula and he will be very healthy. It is formulated to boost his immune system now. You will not find better or more optimal nutrition in any other food.
Have fun with him!!