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School Project

18 15:00:10

Hello, I am currently attending Oulton college in Moncton,NB,Canada for the Veterinarian Technician course. We have a project for our Practice Management class, it's a debate and I have to have the benefits of keeping the canine dew claw intact. So i was just wondering if you could give me some ideas other than the surgery going wrong, or infection. I would really appreciate it, thanks.
Future RVT :) Amanda.

Amanda -

If the  canine dew claw is loose and and very mobile, it is recommended that it be surgically removed. There is a risk of avulsion or tearing the dew claw from its attachment to the skin if it is caught while the animal is jumping or running.  It is not uncommon for veterinarians to see a dog admitted for evaluation of a torn dew claw.   Removal of a unattached dew claw very rarely results in infection or surgical complications.  

In my opinion, removal of a dew claw is not necessary if it is attached to the bone.  When attached, there is minimal risk for injury by avulsion.  

Good luck in your studies -

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM