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Balance problem in wild black squirrel

18 14:32:55

I have many black and red squirrels that eat daily in my feeders that I have out.  I have one little black squirrel who seems to have developed a very bad balance problem.  Is there anything I can do or put in their food that might help her.  She has been this way for about a week.  She lets me get close enough to throw some peanuts at her.  I can't see anything wrong with her feet or legs so not sure if she has been injured.  Anything you can tell me would help.  Thank you.

Make sure you are not feeding them raw peanuts. They cannot digest raw legumes properly.

She could have a number of things going on with her, a parasite problem, been bumped by a car, fell out of a tree.

There is no way to know and no way to treat her unless you catch her and can get her to vet willing to see her.

Unfortunately that is about all you can do. That and pray.
I hope she recovers!!