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18 14:37:21

my dog has bronchitis and already seen vet.heart ok,no heartworms been on cough pills for 3 weeks,antibiotics all done but still has a cough,shallow breath and this goes on off all day and thru the nite.can i give a otc cough suppressent.theres smokers in the house also.could this be irritating her.she's 15 years old

You can give something like Robitussin for coughs. Don't give anything with an antihistamine in it. Regular Robitussin DM is what the vet here recommends.

She needs to be removed from the smokers or they need to stop smoking around her. She HAS bronchitis due to them smoking around her as dogs in non-smoking households rarely ever get bronchitis.

They wouldn't smoke around a young child or an elderly person so why are they smoking around her?
This is not fair to her and it is only going to make her worse.

If the OTC cough syrup doesn't help ask your vet about a cough suppressant in pill form.
I hope that they will comply until she is at least well. She is the equivalent of a 97 yr old person- so please ask them to go outside and smoke for a while.

She deserves some rest and a break! I hope she gets well soon.