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beagle puppy and shot

18 15:13:58

I just got a 6 week old beagle puppy. the day before I received him he got his shot. the lady who i got him from said the shot was a little swollen and might hurt. the day after it started getting puss around it and then yesterday i took him to the vet where they shaved off the hair and there was a spot about the size of a nickel that was infected. they gave him a shot to numb it and gave me some meds for infection, pain and a cream. today the area where they gave him a shot is now showing signs of puss...can he be having reaction to the needles? what should i do?

Valerie - this can happen sometimes.  Next time he gets any shots remind the vet about his reaction to the breeder's shot when he was 6 weeks old.
Also, prior to any shots, give him a small dosage of benadryl before the vet visit.  The will help to reduce any swelling or adverse reactions.

Also, please consider getting him on some NuVET Plus - This is the best puppy vitamin in the USA.  Here is the link - excellent and also a skin healer.

Good Luck
Marie Peppers LPN MA