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Ferral/wild cat sneezing runny eye

18 15:22:41

Hi i have a ferral/wild cat that i have been feeding for five years she will come into the house if the door is open but hisses if i get to close to her she has a runny eye and in sneezing can i give her amoxycillin in her food she is eating and drinking. I have also my own cat who is 18 monhs old i am worried she will catch this cold from the wild cat mine is upto date with all her injections. Thankyou.

You should keep her out of the house until this clears up. Even with vaccinations your kitten is still susceptible to things and no vaccination is ever 100% effective against everything.

The older cat could have Rhinotracheitis which is an upper respiratory infection. It is a virus but the amoxicillin could help her from getting secondary infections from it. There are more than one type of URI and calicivirus and of course panleukopenia (feline distemper) are among those.

So until she is well keep her away from the youngster and give her what you have in her food outside.

You really should try to catch, test and vaccinate the older cat someday.