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cat swollen gland at neck below ear and over eyes, mucus from nose

18 14:49:48

One of my cats, disappeared for days, returned with a goose egg size swollen area at the face, below the ear--She is taking albon from the vet--this knot has busted open, is draining.  Her nose is quite stuffed and draining.   What is cause and what can I do other than just the antibiodics

Albon is for a coccidial infection. It is a anti-protozoan drug, not an antibiotic.
Your cat has a huge abscess from a fight wound and it has now opened and is draining pus.
She needs the right kind of antibiotic for this wound and to have it cleaned out by the vet. Her nose is draining because the abscess must have been quite extensive. She could also have had a foxtail get into her nose, push through the side or into the sinuses and then tried to drain out of the cheek. We have seen that happen before.

As a result the cheek swells up with pus. Either way she needs this investigated, cleaned and flushed out. Then she needs to take the proper antibiotics for 10 days.