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cat cheeks swollen

18 14:49:48

I have a male cat that is 3 yrs old. Recently, it has a new owner for about 3 weeks. There is a female cat, 1 years old, and her baby 2 weeks old. Today, i found out that my cat's cheeks look swollen. When i touch it, it feels no pain and i dont see any scratches since my cat's fur is super long. I live in the US. Please tell me why and how i can help. THANK YOU.

Part of this question confuses me. "Recently, it has a new owner for about 3 weeks. There is a female cat, 1 years old, and her baby 2 weeks old." I don't understand what part of this has anything to do with your question.

I can tell you that it sounds like your cat has a huge abscess under all that hair. I am guessing this is a tom cat- an intact male cat? (not fixed).

He needs to see a vet for this massive cheek infection and while he is there have the vet neuter him so he will quit fighting and getting abscesses. They develop these in wounds from other cats biting them while fighting.

This is also how cats spread leukemia, FIV, FIP and other fatal diseases.
So get him into the vet's on Monday or tomorrow and get him fixed both ways.