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16 month old Pug deafness

18 15:22:55

Our pug Artie is a active guy full of personality. About 3 weeks ago we took him the the vet and was diagnosed with a UTI. He was put on antibiotics and pain pills for seven days. About a week and half later we took him back for the same symptoms, this time we got antibiotics, pain pills, muscle relaxer, and a acidifer for his urine. We took him back in one week to do another UA on his urine to check for protein. About 2 days before going back to the vet a third time he appeared to have gone deaf. The dr. did put him on antibiotics for a third time for tall the protein in his urine. The doctor did not see anything in his ears, and he can faintly hear loud noises a day later. I don't understand how he can all the sudden go deaf when the medications he was on are not related to any dog deafness in the past. Please let me know your option.

Without knowing which antibiotics and other drugs he was on I can't even look them up to let you know the side effects.
I have never seen this happen in 30 yrs but that doesn't mean it cannot.
At best it is temporary. There is always the possibility that he had a reaction to the combination of drugs but as I said, I cannot research that until you tell me what those drugs were.