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9 week old boxer/bulldog

18 15:22:55

I've been feeding her puppy food since I got her and for the past 2 days I've been using dog treats like cheese & sausage blankets and milk bones during training.  Now she's showing some mucous and tiny amounts of blood in her stool. Should I be concerned or is she just adjusting? What should I do Jana? Thanking you in advance your help.

Well first of all what kind of puppy food is she on? And yes, you are over-doing it with the treats.
She only needs bits of her own puppy food to use as treats for training.
A puppy doesn't care, nor does a full grown dog, what you are giving them as a reward. They only know that you are giving them a treat for being good!
So toss the sausages and especially the milk bones and get her on Science Diet Puppy growth. You are growing the foundation of this dog to last for at least 12- 13 yrs and you need it to be strong and healthy.

With all the skin and tumor issues Boxers are prone to you need to get her started with a good food, and Science Diet is the best.
It will cost you less in the long run and she will be gorgeous and healthy through and through.

The blood is in her stool because her colon is inflamed from all the spicy treats she is getting.
Dogs need solid, consistent diets, and when you give them treats all the time you are setting them up for obesity, bad teeth, and gastro-intestinal problems. Think of it as giving her Snicker bars all the time, because essentially that is what you are doing.

So take her off the junk food, get her on SD when you are almost out of the food you are feeding now and let me know how she does.
Her stool should clear up on its own after a few days off the junk.
Use pieces of her current food as her rewards in the meantime.

Let me know how she does and write back if you have any more questions.