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odiferous dog

18 14:54:05

Dr--I have washed dog 2x in 3 weeks.  He is 10yrs., healthy, no change in behavior.  Order has returned less than 2 days after careful bath.  Can I try some over the counter shampoo for this?  It has been suggested a common skin bacteria can be cured with a medicated shampoo.------------Thank you for your time--------Pat

Any shampoo with salacylic acid can be used for the odor problems. Salacylic acid removes the dead to layer of the skin with the odiferous fatty acids on it.  Most anti-seborrheic shampoos have this in them.  In addition, systemic antibiotics help to keep the bacterial down to prevent the bacteria from breaking down the fats on the skin.  THat's where the odor comes from.