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older cat vomiting food up

18 15:19:46

Hi, I have a ten-year-old female cat and in the past month has become extremely picky in what she eats. She would only take freshly open canned cat food and started eating less and less. In the past week she has been throwing up everything she does eat (and drink) and is slowly loosing weight. (8 pounds to 6.5 pounds) I talked to the local vet and she thinks that it might be cancer or if not probably something bad, which will need to be checked out, sadly I don't have enough money and with the cat being older it might not make it after, even with the treatment. If the cat doesn't start improving in health I will take her in to be euthanized to stop the suffering.  :(  :(  
But before that do you have any suggestions on what/how to feed the cat (incase she improves) that would be easy on her stomach, preferably common human foods (like, chicken because I live out of town and it has very limited pet supplies and ordering off the Internet will take to long to come in).
Thank you very much for your time.  

Cats that vomit, lose weight and don't eat well either have cancer, kidney failure or even liver failure.

Feeding her a balanced diet from home will be hard to do but you can start with chicken and rice and add some soft cooked vegetables to that along with some bone meal and hard boiled eggs.
I use to have a recipe for cats like this but I don't anymore. You can do a search online for recipes for cats with cancers and for home feeding sick cats.

But without taking her in and at least finding out what is wrong you might make the matter worse. If she is in renal failure you wouldn't want to be feeding her a lot of protein but if she has cancer she needs higher quality proteins to digest. Not more protein, but bio-available to her system in its stressed state. That's why it's difficult to make food at home,especially for cats.

I am sorry to hear about her feeling so bad and going downhill like this. When she stops eating entirely you will know she is telling you it's time. Then you can give the gift to end her suffering.
Bless you both.