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Injured Foster Puppy With Bite Wound In Face

18 15:29:54

I am fostering a 6-7 day old Boxer/Pitt Bull puppy that was the only surviving
pup in a litter that was killed by the mother.

This puppy has a bite wound on her face that has just lost the scab to reveal
hole that appears to go through the side of the nasal cavity through the lip
and top of the mouth. When feeding her, some formula will get into the open
cavity. After feeding I flush the hole with a sterile saline solution.

Is there anything else that you would suggest to help prevent an infection?
This is one tough puppy, so I am trying to give her every opportunity to grow
into a spoiled rotten, bratty puppy.

Thank you.

Cleaning the wound often is definitely a good start.  One thing you will also want to watch for is that she does not get too much formula or food inhaled because of this, which could potentially lead to aspiration pneumonia.  

Not knowing how far back in the oral cavity the wound is I would say you could either try feeding through the side of her mouth behind that spot or if she will allow you to you can try blocking the wound with a small bit of cotton ball in that nostril while feeding, then remove and clean with the saline.  The fighter that she is she might not tolerate this though.  

Keep a close eye on the wound and if it does not seem to be closing on it's own over time it is possible that it may need to be surgically closed by your veterinarian.  Best of luck to you and your little fighter.