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Tactic medication for demotectic mange

18 15:39:53

Dear Dr. Gotthelf,

My male peke was 4 months old when he developed demotectic mange. After a costly treatment at the vet, he was finally cured. However according to the vet, in order to prevent a reoccurrance, I need to continue apply a mikly liquid solution weekly diluted in 1 liter of water for life (of the dog). Each week I have to paid $25 just for the liquid medication. After 6 months, I finding it hard to meet the high cost of the medication. Lately I found out that the medication is actually a yellowish solution called TACTIC. After mixing it with water it will turn milky. I am getting it from the counter of a pet shop and it only cost me $10 for 30ml. Unfortunately it doesn't come with instruction for mixing. Can you please advise me ? Also I am concern with the long term effect it will has on my peke if I were to use it for the lifespan of my dog as instructed by the vet.

Thank you very much for your time and effort.  

Taktic is very effective at preventing mange.  IT is mixed at 5 ml per liter and is is used only after a degreasing shampoo on the dog or it will not work as well.  It is more dangerous to you that to your dog.  The concentrate can absorb through your skin and can go right to your brain, inhibiting a neurotransmitter called monoamine oxidase. Soe always wear gloves and do this in a well ventilatd area. The dilute solution is not really dangerous to the dog unless there are lots of open sores on the body. In the US it is illegal to sell Taktic repackaged into a 30 ml bottle.