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Hair loss clumps

18 15:39:23

We have an 11 yr old orange short hair indoor tabby.  We recently noticed hair clumps (5 to 10 clumps) - similar to what is left from a cat fight - around the house. The hair almost looks "cut" on one end. He is the only cat we have in addition to an outside dog. The balding spot is on his right side only, toward the bottom rear of his side. The area is more thinned than bald.  The skin is normal, no red spots and we haven't noticed excessive itching. When we brush him, we do not get an excessive amount of hair. He is eating and is still active.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you  Tammy

If he is "barbering" the hairs, then this means that he iotches.  The scratching will be done when the cat is most active, like at night when you are sleeping. Cats just do not itch in front of people. Ask your vet to check the cat for ringworm fungi and possibly give a shot of DepoMedrol to see if the cat will stop itching.