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How long for milk to dry in mother cat?

18 15:22:28

My 2 year old female cat just had a litter of 4 kittens, 8 weeks ago. I've adopted out all of the kittens to good homes and the last one left yesterday. I noticed today that the mama cat's mammory glands are completely swollen, and was concerned about how long till they should dry up (she looks highly uncomfortable). I've been putting a warm compress on her belly when she'll lay still for me (which isn't for long!) hoping it might help. If you can give me any further insight it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,
Nicole C.

What you are doing Nicole is perfect. There isn't much you can do and she will dry up rather quickly now. If you take her in to get her spayed now she will dry up even faster. Use some cool compresses also and make sure none of her milk leaks out since that will only stimulate her to make more.
They usually dry up in about a week but she will be swollen for a few days. Just watch for any really red or hot spots, which would signal a mammary abscess starting.
Don't wait longer than a week to make an appointment and get her spayed as she will get pregnant right away again.
I can tell you are a good pet owner and so I know you will get her spayed so she isn't having any more kittens.