Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > I was just told that my cat has fuild in his chest.

I was just told that my cat has fuild in his chest.

18 15:55:31

I just got back from the pet doctor today. They took an ex-ray of my cat chest and found that he has fuild on one side of his chest. The right side is clear and the left side has fuild in it.
His systems have been caughing and shortness of breath. He has been eating and drinking well.
They told me that they will need to draw some fuild out of him to try and figure out what is causing the fuild. I was given 3 scenario's but I would like to know your input.

Fluid in the chest is not good.  It can be due to heart failure, FIP, a tumor or some type of lymph blockage.  Best bet is to remove as much fluid as possible and then start the cat on water pills such as Lasix and antibiotics as a preventative.  It would be a good idea if they send some of the fluid to the lab for analysis and culture...that way you may be able to get a better idea of why it is there.