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small dog - seizures

18 15:48:39

My 9 lb chihuahua has had 3 seizures over a period of several months.  We are considering the use of phenobarbital, but are not sure if this is a reasonable treatment since she seems to have the seizures only once every 6-8 weeks or so. My vet is recommending this now (last nights seizure was more violent, and lasted almost 20 minutes) but we would like a second opinion.  Pika is a very active 5-1/2 year old dog, otherwise in excellent health, with good eating habits & very pleasant behavior.  She has no loss of bladder/bowel control with the seizures, and although listless for several hours after the seizure ends, she recovers fully to her active self.  Please give us your opinion and/or alternative treatments.  Thank you.

Make sure her blood was tested to rule out any underlying problems that could lead to seizures such as kidney or liver disease, underactive thyroid, low calcium, low blood sugar, electrolyte abnormalities, high white blood cell counts, lead exposure and Lyme Disease FIRST!

I would target diet first....get her on an all natural diet that is free of preservatives, dyes, by products, artificial flavors, etc.  Try to feed her fresh veggies too.  Start her B Complex Vitamins at a dose of 12.5 mg daily as well as Vitamin C 100 mg twice a day, Vitamin E 10 units a day and Valerian Root 50 mg daily.

If the seizures are intense then often treatment is needed, but I would try Potassium Bromide, which is a salt and has little side effects on the liver like phenobarbital.  You could also get valium suppositories to use on an as-needed basis for the seizures as well.