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American Eskimo Losing Fur

18 15:12:27

I have 2 male American Eskimo Puppies. Same litter, they are 15 weeks old. I have had them since they were 8 weeks.  They have had the same Vet care shots/exams/frontline/heartworm...  The breeder had them on Science Diet - I continued with the same food.  One's coat has always been thicker (normal differences).    The other one is loosing his fur rapidly.  I live in New England and it is starting to get cooler, shouldn't his coat be getting thicker?  He doesn't scratch/bite excessively, only a little bit here or there.  What can I do or have his Vet look for.?

Is the dog showing bald patches of skin through his fur? He could be having a combination of losing his puppy fur and undercoat to prepare for his winter coat coming in. I am guessing you are brushing them daily.

Some dogs might not absorb certain nutrients as well as his own litter mate so he might need some extra EFAs, (essential fatty acids) although with Science Diet that is rarely necessary. Are you feeding them Puppy Growth?
By the way, I love your breeder. Rarely does one see a breeder with that much insight as to put their dogs on the best food around.

So that makes me happy- but if the one pup is showing bald patches I would get some EFA caps from the vet. The puppy growth is so complete and has the right amount of this nutrient in it, but if he isn't absorbing it as well he might need a touch more.

Check for bald patches. If there aren't any, you could assume he is blowing out more of his coat faster. If there are- then you might want the vet to look him over or at least stop in and get a bottle of EFAs. You don't need a prescription for them.

Let me know how it's going in a few weeks.