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urinary tract

18 15:40:22

Hello Doctor:
My male Jack Russell Terrier, 8 years, had problems urinating a couple weeks ago. Urine would just drip out. We brought him to vet. Vet diagnosed prostate enlargement and possible stone in urethra.
Calcium oxalate crystals in urinalysis. He castrated Sunny, gave cortisone shot and put him on Hill's S/D prescription food.
He is now 80% better, peeing is a stream. His spirits were good throughout. At first he didn't like the new food (who could blame him?), but he ate/eats it all. No other surgery was performed.
How long should I keep him on the S/D? The vet says another couple weeks then K/D for the rest of his life! I am very resistant to the latter. Also, what role does protein play in this, and should he be on a protein-free diet?
Please advise, and I thank you so much for your service. I cannot afford another vet bill right now.
Lee Roberts

s/d diet should only be used for a short time...usually 6 weeks until the stones dissolve.  Then k/d or another low protein diet is used to keep the amount of oxalates that get into the urine minimized. It is also very important to make sure that there is lots of liquid in the food and water is always available.  The more dilute the urine is, the less chance that the Calcium Oxalate crystals will form.

As far as feeding the k/d; your dog has to eat something, why not use a food that will prevent the stones from re-occuring? You can't give a dog a "no protein" diet.