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Ear Swelling

18 15:46:06

We have a family of Chihuahua's, the mother, father and 3 pups that are in age range from 14 to 7 years old.  One of them has a ear attack tendency, when in a fight she goes for the others ears.  In the past few days two of the other dogs each have one ear that has puffed up and only will stand at half mast, even though the ears show no visible marks.  Our question is, would there be any known problems that could cause this to happen or do we assume that the one that attacks the ears caused some form of cartilige brake that has made this happen.  

This is an ear hematoma (a blood vessel broke inside) and it should be drained by your veterinarian.  Some times the two layers of the ear will need to be sutured together.  If left untreated the ear will remain very thick and will not ever stand up.

I would suggest that you try to put bitter apple of the ears to leave a bitter taste in the dog's mouth to try to stop them from biting the ears.