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My Coughing Chihuahua

18 14:31:56

QUESTION: My Chihuahua(Willow) has started coughing really bad almost to the point of where she seems to almost vomit.What could suddenly make this start happening and hoe do I know when I should seek medical attention for her? I am really worried about her..

ANSWER: You need to get her in to the vets tomorrow. She could have so many things going on here- from heartworm disease to heart failure. She could have a collapsing trachea- something chihuahuas are known for.

I have no age, no history of vaccinations, heartworm prevention, weight etc, so that is about all I can suggest.

Call your vet in the morning and get her in right away.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is about 7 yrs old, overweight thanks to my mom. has had her vaccines..and we got a new puppy..but i will call in the morning ty

As I said, there are many factors that can cause constant coughing. Obesity is certainly one because of what it does to the heart. The collapsing trachea is another, common in small dogs.

Getting a new puppy maybe she is barking at the puppy all the time and the irritation of that will start a cough.

Make sure the vet checks her heart and her blood for heartworms. You didn't mention that she is on any heartworm prevention and it is very prevalent where you live.