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Kicking when scratching

18 14:11:52

I adopted my dog XP 4 years ago from a last chance adoption event. In the beginning she was very shy. She was a little more withdrawn but then I just chalked it up to her getting used to us as her new owners.
Recently she was fed some human food and developed sores on her neck. I've stopped them from feeding her human food and the sores are starting to disappear, but now when I stroke her side and the bottom of her belly her rear legs start kicking. She didn't use to do this. Is it because she is more comfortable with us as her new owners? or is it something more serious. I've checked her through and there are no sores, no bug bites. no fleas. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon

Dogs, and cats, kick when they itch and you happen to scratch or touch the spot that itches. It is a very normal reflex.

She obviously has some food intolerance so keep her off of ALL human food and probably treats as well. Feed her a high quality food (no grocery store brands) and she will do much better and the itching will lessen with time.

But yes, kicking her back feet- which is the feet they scratch with- is normal because you hit the right spot!