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6 mo. old lick granuloma

18 15:45:57

My dog has been licking at what was diagnosed as a lick granuloma for over 6 mos. now. This is not out of boredom, he is always with me at work and at play.  He is a 8 yo golden/lab mix and the sore is on his hind leg above the vet who is great says the only thing we can do is go with a cortisone shot into the wound. I have tried every imaginable spray, cream etc...nothing works. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance.

MAny of these lick granulomas are actually allergic in nature, so some allergy treatment may be needed.  Goldens and labs are very prone to allergies.  One that has gone on for 6 months is also infected, so powerful antibiotics that will penetrate into a granuloma (any fluoroquinolone) are indicated.

I have been using the laser to obliterate these with great success.  There are exposed nerve endings in the lick granuloma that makes licking it a pleasurable experience for the dog.  We think that there is a release of endorphins from licking.  The laser removes the tissue and seals off the nerves.