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Id like to get instructions...

18 15:54:22

I'd like to get instructions on "expressing glands " for my dog. He seems to need it more often than when I take him to the Vet. Thanks for any info you might send.

The anal glands are right inside the rectum at 4 and 8 o'clock.  Depending on your dog's size, you may be able to express them from outside by taking a tissue and squeezing with your index finger and thumb at the bottom of the anus in an upward direction.  If they do not easily empty this way, you will have to go in rectally with a lubricated-gloved finger and do one gland at a time.

Adding fiber to the diet is also helpful for them.  And realize the more often you express the glands, the weaker his muscles will become and then he will rely on that manual pressure to empty them.  If your dog is overweight, getting him to lose weight will also help.