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Siamese - Naji

18 15:22:56

My 11 year old Siamese, Naji has just been diagnosed with CRF. She is on various medications, sub q fluids and the Hills Science Diet k/d. My question is that I give the same food to my other Siamese and to my mixed breed cat, Willie. Since the k/d diet is low in protein will this pose a problem for the other animals who do not have CRF. Will they lose muscle for lack of protein?  Also, can I feed all of them the Wellness Diet instead? I certainly would appreciate any feedback you would provide. Thanks so much.

I put my cat Floyd on K/D at the age of 6 or so that he would not get kidney failure and all my cats were on it, regardless of their age. The protein in K/D is lower than regular adult food but not so much that it will affect the other cats in a negative way at all. It is merely more bioavailble protein and more plant based in K/D.

If you can keep Naji out of the other diet and it is a Science Diet that you are referring too, you can feed them that instead, but it will not hurt them one bit to be on the K/D.
By the way, Floyd lived to be 19 yrs, one month and 3 days old on that food. Not bad at all.
I hope that Naji does well and lives a long life on his K/D.