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My Chiahua has something on his ear. . .

18 15:22:19

My Chihuahua has a sore on his ear that is something like a blister. It is swollen and liquid is coming out of it like a blood blister. I don't know what it is or what I could do for it. Your help is very appreciated. Thank you.

Is this in the middle of the inner ear? Or is this a small patch on the outside?
If it is in the middle, and the whole ear is puffy, then your dog has a hematoma in his ear. These are usually from some kind of trauma like scratching it too much or a dog fight. Even shaking the head too hard can cause one. It is a ruptured blood vessel right under the surface of the skin that ruptures and swells up.
The only treatment for these is to have the doctor drain it and suture the ear flat for a few days and wrap it.
After the week goes by they will then remove the bandage and sutures and hope that the ear doesn't swell up again.
If you don't get it treated it will eventually shrink up but when it does it takes the dogs ear with it and the ear becomes shrunken, misshapen and "cauliflower." This is how a boxer's ears start to look after being in too many fights.

Here is a picture of a full blown hematoma on a yellow lab.

While you can certainly opt for the non-surgical approach, be aware that if your dog has an ear infection that is causing him to dig and scratch at his ears that it needs to be addressed.