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treating worms in my 2 yr old cat

18 15:01:13

i have a 2 yr old cat that has never been outside, although i did find him and his sister and rescued them outside when they were kittens, they are inside cats now.  i had their shots when i got them but in the last 2 months i noticed small white worms coming out of his bottom so i went to pet smart n purchased deworming liquid and i gave them both the recomended dosage but after 2 weeks i noticed them again coming out of my male.  i gave him another dose but why isnt it helping?  is there another way i can treat them or should i take them to the vet and is it very costly?

Tracie -

In my opinion, it is not safe to treat cats with over the counter medication.  Deworming is no exception.  Medications developed for OTC sales are never effective and do not take into account the physical condition of the animal.  OTC animal meds are nothing like OTC human meds which have a high degree of safety.  

Have a veterinarian evaluate your cats and treat them for intestinal parasites.  Your vet can treat them for the type of parasites that are identified during a fecal exam.  The medication is safe and effective.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM