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About a Green Cheeked Conure

18 15:02:14

I have a 7 year old green cheeked conure. For at or about a month now, I have watched her feathers go from all green, to turning black. It is only on her wings and the point at where here tail feather begin at the top. She is not completly all black, but is working her way there. It looks like she has green spots, or areas on the black. I feed her healthy foods, that I get from pet stores that specialize in birds. She takes baths pretty often, but not everyday.I don't understand what is going on. What do I do?

MY avian veterinary friend says that Vitamin A deficiency can do this. I would strongly suggest you call her. She does bird consults by phone and uses holistic approaches and homeopathy to help birds stay healthy for a long time. 410-531-9213 (MD). Dr. Doug Yearout in WA also is a homeopathic veterinarian who treats birds and can do phone consults - 425-334-8171.

Good health,
Dr. Christina Chambreau