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Shivering 7 month old kitten

18 15:48:36

Hi Jennifer,
I bought a Russian Blue kitten from a breeder in Israel and have had him since was 5 months old.
He is now almost 8 months old.
I have just noticed that while sitting in my lap or laying down and while purring, he has started to lightly shiver all over.  I would not call it a siesure but it is involentary and it is bothering me.
Doesn't seem to bother him however.
He is eating very well, his stools are well formed and solid and has no problem urinating. His energy level is very active and he plays and races through the house and acts as would be any healthy young cat and he shows no other odd or suspicious behavior. He has had all his shots but I have not taken him to my vet yet for his annual phicical which I will do this comming week.  I have had him for almost 2 months now.
Any idea what the shivering might be?  Could it be just a part of growing up with all thoes kitty hormones bouncing all over?
Thanks in advance for any insight.

Shivering in not normal for a kitten of that age.   I would recommend having his blood sugar levels checked as well as calcium and electrolytes to rule out any underlying imbalances.  Also, contact the breeder to see if any other kittens are displaying this shivering.