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Renal Failure in dogs

18 15:47:57

I have a mixed breed (part collie) 15 year old dog.  She has not eaten in 12 days but is still drinking water.  She has been to her vet, had bloodwork done and urinanalysis also.  Bloodwork showed kidney failure..Bun level 179 also creatinine & phosphate levels were triple the range of what they should be.  Urinanalysis showed a bacteria present, pilonnifrasis (spelling?).  Vet suggest she be treated by being hospitalized for several days with 24 hour IV fluids.  I am hesitiant to do so because of the cost and also because of her age, at 15 I wonder what her quality of life would be and how much longer I can really expect her to live.  And while the IV may help to get rid of the bacteria...will it help the function of her kidneys.  Struggling with what to do.  I do not want her to suffer because of my own selfishness.
Thank you for any advice you may offer.
Rachel Kohl


Your dog should have been put on IV fluids once those levels were known. She is in kidney failure. Eating in 12 days and your vet not acting immediatly on this is bad.

She needs these fluids and antibiotics to assist if this is a pylonephritis primary causing the increased kidney levels OR is this chronic kidney failure finally catching up with this girl.

If you do not act soon, she will pass on her own, painfully. Kidney disease hurts.

If you do not want to pursure further medical help, my suggestion is to put her to sleep.

I am sorry. I DO know what its like to have a very sick pet.

My prayers are with you.