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K9 Advantix green

18 15:45:19

-Thankyou so much! The reason I changed from Advantage to Advantix is because I worried about Moskitoes, as we are on a river in Oregon.I was worried about him getting west nile.We will try the benedryl today.He also had the same reaction to Advantage, but not as severe as this time.I so apprieciate your help! Our little guy is so important to us, and we want him healthy and happy!  Thanks again, Patti Harrison------------------------
Followup To
Question -
We are traveling in our RV, and have started usin K9 Advantix.We have a Poodle/Pomeranian that weighs approx 10lbs.The product rids him of fleas etc. but he is iching incessantly for a couple of days following application?What can we do to help him? He's miserable! Please help.
Thankyou, Patti Harrison
Answer -
He is probably allergic to the permethin in the product.  You can give him Benadryl at a dose of 1 mg per pound twice a day.  You can also call the 1-800 number on the back of the package to speak to someone from Bayer to see if they have any other suggestions.  If you are only concerned about fleas, then I would use Advantage.  If you need tick control, then you may want to switch to Frontline.

Well I probably would skip the Advantage and Advantix due to the reactions and try Frontline unless the Beandryl is reducing all symptoms--you could give him Benadryl BEFORE application next time to see if that stops the reaction.  

You could also try to spot on some Skin So Soft or put a Citronella Collar on him when he is outside to see if that helps to repel the mosquitoes.  We have not seen any cases of West Nile in dogs, but certainly heartworm disease is more likely to be transmitted to him from a mosquito so make sure he gets monthly Interceptor/Heartgard.