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my dog problem

18 15:08:57

my dog has a weird problem, he has been shaking and panting very hard and
very fast, but its not hot out! he even has the tail between the legs and doesent
walk much
he is about 5 years old but i have no idea what to do

Panting and shaking are signs of a dog being in pain. Pain can be anything from a pulled muscle, or a torn knee ligament to being bumped by a car. He could have a gut ache from eating something he shouldn't have or he could have a virus. He could be having heart problems too, or something inside is hurting him.

You haven't given me much to go on here.
The most you can do tonight is check the color of his gum's, give him a small buffered aspirin (plain aspirin, NOT Tylenol or Ibuprofen. READ the label first).
That can calm him and make him comfortable until you can get him into the vet's tomorrow. If he continues to pant or gets wild from pain or his gum's are pale then you need to call an emergency vet tonight.