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The manges?

18 15:45:19

we have a beloved golden retriever and he has this sore on his face Im not sure how it got there. It isnt that big its  red and irritated and sometimes it will bleed. I am afraid it could
be the beginning of the manges because its slightly bald around the sore. The dog otherwise seems to be healthy he has a good appetite, he has plenty of stamina, no weight loss, and his coat is beautiful and shiny. He just has that one sore could it be just a skin irritation that will eventually go away or could it be something more serious?  

To see if your dog has mange, ask your vet to do a skin scraping and look for the insects that cause mange.  In a Golden, it may not be mange at all, but a hot spot, which is usually an allergic reaction to something. The dog may be scratching at its face because of a bad tooth or ear.