Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Sebastian


18 15:01:52

Dear Dr.,

    I am writing to you in a panic right now!  My 7 year old toy terrier/pomeranian, Sebastian, has been blind since he was a puppy, causing his eyes to have a constant film on them.  I taken every precaution around stairs, etc., but unfortunately, he fell down the steps about 10 minutes ago.  He was shaken up, but seems fine now.  I was holding him up and giving him kisses, when I noticed his left eye is no longer "cloudy", but the color of blood!  Blood is not coming out of his eye, but the color is red!  My vet is closed until Tuesday, that is why I am writing to you to get an opinion on what it could be, and what I should do/look out for until I get him to the vet!  I will not be able to sleep tonight, so I will wait for your response.  Thank you so very much for your much anticipated opinion on what can be going on, and what should be done.




First if you have an emergency and your veterinarian isn't open, you need to either go to a veterinarian who is or find an emergency clinic in your area.  The internet is a poor choice for emergencies!  

I hope you either have your answer now or Sebastian is doing better.  I can tell you the conjunctiva hemorrhage or bleeding in the white part of the eye is common in traumas.  But then so is hemorrhage in the eye.  He needs to be seen as soon as you can get him to the vet to determine if anything needs to be done.  A lot of the time, nothing can be done and you just wait for the blood to go away.  But you have to make sure if the blood is inside the eye that pressure isn't building up in the eye.

BTW, I have a deaf dog.  No matter how many precautions are taken he finds a way to get into trouble!

Good luck to you both